Saturday, January 29, 2011

Disclosure - Where I am Weightwise

In the spirit of full disclosure, the last time I was weighed I was 252.8 pounds.  To give my weight meaning, I am 6'1" tall and my goal weight is 160 pounds.  I will weigh myself on the scales at work around on Friday around ten in the morning to keep my measuring device and my daily consumption the same prior to my weigh in.  

I am less physically active than I should be.  I used to attend an aqua aerobics class twice a week and I have recently been slacking and only attending around once a week.  I also wear a pedometer and have a goal of seven thousand steps per day which was very easy during the summer and fall but have been not succeeding at this in the winter.  I really dislike going out in the winter so before if I was short steps I would go for a walk around the neighborhood since the snow started flying I have just been accepting being short of steps.  

I also eat far more than I should.  My favorite food is cheese and anything with cheese on it, like pizza.  I hope to figure out ways to eat less.   

Monday, January 24, 2011

Disclosure - Where I am Financially

To do full honesty you have to start with the whole truth.  I am in a better position than many people are with debt.  I only owe on my mortgage, but I owe a lot on my mortgage.  I owe about $117,000 before the house is fully mine.  I have been paying around fifty dollars extra towards my principal which is a good step, but is counter balanced by the face that I  have not been very good about saving either for retirement or emergencies.

I need to work on discretionary spending, like minimizing the number of times I go out to eat and stopping impulse purchases.  I already cancelled Boingo internet because I was not travelling for work as much.

I decided that I would put half of the savings I find into my house and the other half into saving for emergencies and retirement.  So by cancelling Boingo I am paying an extra five dollars towards my house every month.  Yay!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Post

I am establishing this blog to have a place to write about my three vices: my weight, my debt, and my junk.    I decided on my title because all three of these require time to work on.  I didn't get fat overnight, and I won't get skinny overnight either.  My only debt is my mortgage, so while I actually did acquire that in an afternoon, it will take a long time to pay back my $117,000 dollars.  I have always collected junk, but I want to stop.

Since all of these are long term goals, I thought a daily blog would help me keep my motivation high as I admitted to my failures and celebrated my achievements.  I hope that I will not be taking this journey alone.  My first two goals are extremely common so I hope that other people will be joining me on at least those parts of my journey.