Monday, January 24, 2011

Disclosure - Where I am Financially

To do full honesty you have to start with the whole truth.  I am in a better position than many people are with debt.  I only owe on my mortgage, but I owe a lot on my mortgage.  I owe about $117,000 before the house is fully mine.  I have been paying around fifty dollars extra towards my principal which is a good step, but is counter balanced by the face that I  have not been very good about saving either for retirement or emergencies.

I need to work on discretionary spending, like minimizing the number of times I go out to eat and stopping impulse purchases.  I already cancelled Boingo internet because I was not travelling for work as much.

I decided that I would put half of the savings I find into my house and the other half into saving for emergencies and retirement.  So by cancelling Boingo I am paying an extra five dollars towards my house every month.  Yay!

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